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But I buy that candy for the KIDS who go out on Halloween. And I mean KIDS not your co workers. I don mind if your kids have to pay the parent tax and hand some over to Mom and Dad, but it not meant for the parent co workers.. Have lightly cleaned and or wiped down all of the items. Review all photos and determine if up to your standards. Sold as is for parts, repair, collection, use, craft, etc.

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costume wigs In reaction to her lack of credit on a number of successful dance songs, and exclusion from their accompanied music videos, Wash sued Black Box label RCA to receive proper credit and appropriate royalties as the vocalist on all of these songs. In an out of court settlement made in December 1990, Wash received financial compensation and a recording contract from RCA, as well as a guarantee to be properly credited for her work in recordings.[7][8] Wash later sued Clivills and Cole, the producers for C+C Music Factory, along with the C+C record label Sony for "fraud, deceptive packaging and commercial appropriation," with $500,000 in damages; all parties settled by 1994.[9][10] As a result of the settlement, Sony made an unprecedented request to MTV to add a disclaimer that credited Wash for vocals and Zelma Davis (who lip synched Wash's vocals in the official music video) for "visualization" to the "Gonna Make You Sweat" music video.[9]In 1992, Wash signed a recording contract with RCA Records. In October 1992, Wash released her single "Carry On", which peaked number one on Billboard's Dance chart. costume wigs